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카테고리/The Art of Espalier Fruit Trees

Understanding Espalier Fruit Trees

The art of espalier is when trees and branches are pruned and trained to be on one plane. They're commonly found up against a wall or fence. ... Implementing an espalier tree still requires maintenance throughout your growing season, but no more than any other backyard fruit tree.


Espalier (/ɪˈspælɪər/ or /ɪˈspæli.eɪ/) is the horticultural and ancient agricultural practice of controlling woody plant growth for the production of fruit, by pruning and tying branches to a frame. Plants are frequently shaped in formal patterns, flat against a structure such as a wall, fence, or trellis, and also plants which have been shaped in this way.[1]

Espaliers, trained into flat two-dimensional forms, are used not only for decorative purposes, but also for gardens in which space is limited. In a temperate climate, espaliers may be trained next to a wall that can reflect more sunlight and retain heat overnight or orientated so that they absorb maximum sunlight by training them parallel to the equator. These two strategies allow the season to be extended so that fruit has more time to mature.

A restricted form of training consists of a central stem and a number of paired horizontal branches all trained in the same plane. The most important advantage is that of being able to increase the growth of a branch by training it vertically. Later, one can decrease growth while increasing fruit production by training it horizontally.


(농부요약-유실수의 주지를 다양한 형태로 평면에 전개시켜 좁은 공간에서 여러가지 관리도 아주 용이하고 온갖 기발한 형태의 조형미까지 뽑낼 수 있는 아주 쉬운 수형관리 기법)


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되고자 이해가 닿는 한 여러가지 정보를 공유하기 위해서 오늘 새로히 The Art of Espalier Fruit Trees라는 카테고리를 신설했습니다.

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                               2020.07.27 Espaliered Plum Farm-溫思園-(온가족사랑농원) 농부